Wasabi peas before tempo run in moderate heat/ direct sun, not one of the better food experiments.
Then the cat wanted to rub up against my legs while I did cool-down stretches. There is a downside to running.
On the upside, my shins hurt but the feet seem to really be happy with minimal shoes, lots of stretching and core stengthening, and daily icing. This is progress after years of plantar fascitis preventing running more than every three, at most two days. Knock wood.
The other possibly faulty theory is that all this speedwork can make a body faster, but that still entails being passed by hundreds of dudes and young thangs every run. Thank the goddess for apps that chart your progress inch by bloody inch. What did we do before them?
I think before the apps I would have written things down obsessively in a notebook. Or excel, that's been around for awhile. I've only been running for 7 years, though.