In between some new fiction. I am reading some interviews and listened to a meaty podcast interview about The Queer Art of Failure, from The Critical Lede.
A nice quote on her earlier work/topic of female masculinity (which swype wants to render as ' nativity,' yikes):
"Unlike a theorist like Butler who sees categories as perpetually suspect, I embrace categorization as a way of creating places for acts, identities and modes of being which otherwise remain unnamable. I also think that the proliferation of categories offers an alternative to the mundane humanist claim that categories inhibit the unique self and creates boxes for an otherwise indomitable spirit. People who don't think they inhabit categories usually benefit from not naming their location. I try to offer some new names for formerly uninhabitable locations. In fact, my inspiration for taxonomizing comes from Eve Sedgwick's introduction to Epistemology of the Closet where she offers up a list of ways that people could map sexualities and desires. Her list refuses the banality of the homo-hetero binary and suggests that we are limited not simply by the law but by a failure of the imagination."
-Judith Halberstam from an interview by Annamarie Jagose in Genders 29 (1999).
I have some vague ideas forming about how this is all relevant to SFF, but cogitation is a process...
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