It's spring. Like fall, spring in Minnesota means a brief frenzy of social activity. And then the usual lull, but with dogs panting. It's way, way early this year. And winter hardly bothered. But the madness is on.
I went to a bunch of readings, friend Catherine Lundoff launching her menopausal werewolf novel Silver Moon, and a lesbian writer thing at the Quatrefoil Library. St Patty's with the pre-birthday runners. Still recovering from my 10 mile. Ran with friends Jake and Cara Sunday morning while the visiting grandparents provided them the rare opportunity to run together.
I ran 7 this weekend, and it was supposed to feel easy in comparison, but it did not. Thus I will wait a bit longer to up the ante to a half marathon. My feet and knees need more time to adjust.
I am reading too many books at once too. The M.D. has been slow starting, mostly because I started it before finishing Through a Brazen Mirror by Delia Sherman. The latter slips down smoothly, classic kings and sorcerors fantasy with cross-dressing.
I also went to a CLE showing of a film "Crime After Crime" about the CA in-justice system. More on that later. Back to work!
More on the movie here.
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