Or however you'd transliterate. I need to make more progress in reading Russian because I found a copy of "Night Watch" in the original at the library sale for 75 cents. I recognized the light sabery Highlanderish cover and "vampiri" reference in the back cover blurb as some fantasy novel, but had to get a dictionary to figure out it was the best selling trilogy. Usually they have crappy old books in that section, but occasionally things like Xarri Potter or Bridget Djones Diary.
Anyway, I keep not being able to get far in The M.D. by Thomas Disch. I got waylaid by Beauty Queens, which a friend lent me and later turned up on the Tiptree recommended list. Surprisingly funny. I thought the humor would get stale like in most rip-roaring satires, but it kept fresh. Then I took out some books on prison histories, and a book on Riker's kept being more interesting to pick up.
And then I picked up Zipper Mouth, a lesbian novel debut finalist for the Lambda Awards. But I am letting the Dog Trainer read it first, in order to focus on The M.D. It's not that The M.D. hasn't started well, it's just that I'm in the periodic distracted mode that comes with the change of seasons and being busy at work. And it's a daunting length compared to his other novels. I don't really have time for 400 pages I can't skim...
But anyway. The running is going good, now that it's been unseasonably warm, until today. I am shooting for an under 60-minute 10k at the end of April. Knock wood. For me, that slow pace would be a PR... Progress is slow. But lately it's been fun. Nice to not wear five layers.
I am making slow progress with getting back into writing. I still feel like it's mostly throat clearing, but that's a necessary stage. Trying to clear out more time, but work remains a demanding beast. I'm still not good enough to not have to expend all my mental energy there...
Oh well. The future of writing for right now does seem to be day jobs or being a trophy wife or husband. So I can't complain at all. Just need to become ever more organized and disciplined. I refuse to cede the running/exercising time, because it keeps me sane and energized, so that's pretty much the solution. Anyway, blah blah blah. Time to watch the Battle Kittens fight over the sunny spot of floor...
I have no problems with having a trophy wife. Just sayin.