Monday, December 30, 2013


Nice coinage: "metrosketchual."  As in, "I saw the pix of Duck dynasty dudes with their families, posing for expensive portraits at a resort in khakis and highlighted hair.  It was fairly metrosketchual."  Or, "Who does Ryan Seacrest think he's fooling.  Totally metrosketchual."  Or something.


  1. At risk of metrosketchuality:
    The neologism I discovered this year: faboost.

    Boosted fabulous. A great word for the hyperbolic age.

    I bought "Hugo" at Target for $4.50 and watched it with my faboost granddaughter. And then, because I can, I watched some YouTube interviews where I heard the word being invented by Chloë Grace Moretz.

    On the subject then, I have this intriguing book set during the heptarchy of that territory now known as "England". Much appreciated. Faboost, even.

  2. Good catch. Of course Moretz is involved... I have to get to that book, too. I'm forty pages from finishing Reamde in 2013...
